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 ATMOS holofan projector
Находится в: Atmospheric technician's locker, R&D. Используется для: Cordoning off hull breaches and plasma floods. Взаимодействие: Quickly stop local gas floods and prevent hull breaches from sucking all the oxygen out of a room.
This projects holograms that block gases, but let objects pass. Easily your most effective tool to deal with emergencies - quickly seal hull breaches, stop gas floods and fires from spreading or even create a safe cloning/surgery room for Plasmamen.
 Rapid Piping Device
Находится в: Atmospheric technician's locker, R&D. Используется для: Laying down pipes. Взаимодействие: The RPD is the tool required to build elaborate pipenets.
This tool made the pipe dispensers irrelevant. Used to build virtually any type of pipes (except chemistry pipes), it does not have a charge unlike the RCD and can place anything atmos related on all three layers. The first thing you should do as an atmos tech is grabbing or printing one. You can also use it to place disposals pipes and transit tubes.
Находится в: Atmospheric technician's locker, autolathes, Engivends. Используется для: Analyzing the content of pipes and devices or the atmosphere of the tile you're on. Взаимодействие: Used to get information.
The eyes of the atmospheric technician. It gives information about pressure, composition and the temperature of any gas mix you're interested in. However, it has no range at all, you need to be right next to the pipe you want to analyze. Note that the atmospheric technician's PDA has the analyzer features built into it.
 Fire Extinguisher
Находится в: Extinguisher Lockers, Xenobiology. Используется для: Extinguishing fires, zero-g maneuvering. Взаимодействие: A fire extinguisher will spray water across the room to put out fires or change your direction in space
This has multiple uses, from propelling yourself in space to putting out plasmafires. Easily the best weapon against Slimes. A Chaplain can bless the water in a fire extinguisher to bless an entire stretch of hallway at once. Will need refilling at a Water Tank.
Holds 50 units of water, or whatever else you put into it.
 Advanced Fire Extinguisher
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Extinguishing large plasma/tritium fires. Взаимодействие: This fire extinguisher works like a regular one, but also sprays firefighting foam all over the place.
This advanced fire extinguisher uses Firefighting foam instead of water. Firefighting foam stabilizes the temperature of the air around it, stops fires, and removes plasma from the air. Very good at fighting plasmafires.
Can be refilled at a Firefighting Foam Tank.
 Miniature Fire Extinguisher
Находится в: Emergency Toolboxes Используется для: Putting out small fires, maneuvering in zero-g. Взаимодействие: A fire extinguisher will spray water across the room to put out fires or change your direction in space.
Functionally the same as a normal fire extinguisher, but has a smaller capacity and can fit into your pockets. Will need refilling at a Water Tank.
Holds 30 units of water, or whatever else you put into it.
 Backpack Firefighter Tank
Находится в: Atmospheric Technician's locker, Atmospheric Hardsuit container. Используется для: Extinguishing fires and removing hot toxic air from rooms. Взаимодействие: It has three modes,fire extinguisher mode, resin foamer mode to cover one tile in resin, resin launcher mode to cover a larger area in resin.
This backpack is used to fight dangerous fires without having to space a room. The resin will remove toxic gas from the tile it is covers and set the temperature of all remaining gases to 20C, making the backpack a great way to quickly purge hot/cold/toxic gases. Note however that the resin launcher needs to be refilled by 100u of water after each uses, and that it doesn't replace any of the gases it removes. You'll generally need to cover every tile in a room with resin for the room to be purified, especially when dealing with extremely high/low temperature gases. The resin will also seal any vents or scrubbers it covers up, which you'll need to take into account when removing the resin.
 Fire axe
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Rescuing people from locked rooms, breaking down doors and windows. Взаимодействие: Quickly smash airlocks, windows and grilles. Pry things open.
This Atmosian heirloom is excellent for quickly breaching rooms and opening locked doors. It's also quite robust in combat.
If it's inside its cabinet, you can unlock/lock the cabinet using a multitool.
 Emergency Oxygen Tank
Находится в: Atmospherics, Emergency Lockers, Internals Boxes. Используется для: As the name suggest, used as an emergency oxygen supply. It's not a question about if you need it, it's a question of when you need it, keep one with you at all time Взаимодействие: Stuff it in your pocket, belt, or suit slot and leave it there, you'll need it
A small oxygen tank that you can wear in your belt slot or in the suit slot of various suits. It is typically kept at approximately 16 kPa, which provides just enough oxygen for you to breathe in.
Oxygen tanks of all sizes can be filled by Atmospheric Technicians using oxygen tanks and are used with a breath mask to set up an internal air supply. Can be filled to 1013 kPa, unless you get creative.
 Extended-Capacity Emergency Oxygen Tank
Находится в: Atmospherics lockers. Используется для: An emergency oxygen supply that lasts a bit longer. Взаимодействие: Allows you to carry more air in a small space than usual.
An emergency oxygen tank with a yellow coat of paint and double the capacity. Useful if you expect to be somewhere without oxygen for a while, but can't fit a regular oxygen tank on your person.
An oxygen tank with a large capacity and a much slower oxygen consuming rate. A must for miners who like to stay in space for long times.
Can be filled to 1013 kPa, unless you get creative. Can be attached to the back of hardsuits.
Used by Engineers for radiation collection from the Singularity Engine, by Scientists for bombs, and your typical scoundrel for lighting fires with a flamethrower or releasing toxins into the air. It can also be used as a plasma source for plasmamen if they don't have a plasma internals tank handy.
 Plasma Internals Tank
Находится в: Plasmamen, Plasmaman Supply Kit Используется для: Used as a personal supply of plasma gas for plasmamen. Взаимодействие: Put it in one of your pockets and leave it there.
Each plasmaman joins the shift breathing from one of these tanks in their right hand. This plasma tank is able to fit in the belt or pocket slot, but it can also go on the suit storage slot of a space suit or hardsuit. Its volume is much greater than emergency oxygen tanks, but you'll still need to refill it during longer shifts.
Atmospherics Gear
 Air Alarm
Находится в: Every room with atmospherics. Используется для: Sniffing the atmospheric status near it, sending alerts if something isn't right and controlling the room's vents and scrubbers. Взаимодействие: Install it in a room wall and it'll find the vents and scrubbers in the room automatically. Use it to control said vents/scrubbers and monitor air quality.
To use an Air Alarm, first swipe your ID card across it to unlock it. Then click the Air Alarm with a free hand to access it's control panel.
[Show/hide] Control Panel Options:
Activate Atmosphere Alarm: The alarm will show on atmospheric alert computers and alerts silicons.
Panic Siphon: Disables all vents in the area and quickly drains all gases.
Vent Controls: Changes the settings of vents in the area:
- External on, Internal off: will drain/add air from the tile the vent is on to make it reach the selected pressure. All air being moved goes into/comes out of the pipe the vent is attached to. Set to 0 to drain air, or pressurise to specific levels.
Useful for precise pressure control, like room air.
- External off, Internal on: Drains/adds air to the tile to get the pipe attached to the selected pressure level. Setting a vent to internal and the desired pressure to 0 causes ALL gas which enters the pipe to be shunted out onto the tile.
Used for when you want to move gas quickly, like in the Supermatter chamber.
- Both on: completely useless. Don't bother.
Scrubber Controls: Controls the scrubbers in the area. Select specific gases to be filtered. Choose between two settings for the scrubbers, scrubbing and syphoning.
- Scrubbing filters out any gases that are selected in the Filters section.
- Siphoning indiscriminately sucks up all gases.
- Range specifies how effective the scrubbers are - on Normal range they only work on their own tile, while on Expanded they work in a 3x3 range.
Operating Mode: you can select a preset mode for the scrubbers and vents in the area:
- Filtering: Default mode, scrubbers are set to filter CO2 on their tile, vents are set to keep the area at normal pressure (101.3 kPa).
- Contaminated: Scrubbers now filter all harmful gases in Expanded mode, vents are set to normal pressure
- Draught: Scrubbers are set to Siphon and vents are set to twice the normal pressure.
- Refill: Scrubbers are ON and vents are set to three times the normal pressure.
- Cycle: Panic siphons all air, then switches to Filtering mode.
- Siphon: Scrubbers are set to siphon, vents are OFF.
- Panic Siphon: Scrubbers are set to siphon (Expanded), vents are OFF.
- Flood: Emag/malfunctioning AI only. Disables scrubbers, sets vents to max output and disables their pressure checks.
- Off: Both scrubbers and vents are OFF.
Alarm Threshold: Lets you change the minimum and maximum settings for pressure and temperature to automatically trigger the alarm. Good for when you want the alarm to go off for a different reason than normal, or when you want to sabotage the alarm sneakily.
Guide to building an Air Alarm.
Guide to hacking an Air Alarm.
 Fire Alarm
Находится в: Every room. Используется для: Automatically closes the fire doors if its hit or if it detects a fire. Взаимодействие: Use it to close down an area so only people with Crowbars can leave.
Used to toggle all fire doors in an area. Can be quickly toggled by shooting at it with a taser or hitting with a melee weapon. Although its intended purpose is to trap gases, it can also be used to prevent movement out of a room until someone opens the fire doors.
Guide to building a Fire Alarm.
 Tank Storage Unit
Находится в: Engineering, Atmospherics, EVA. Используется для: Distributing air and plasma to those who need it. Взаимодействие: Get air/plasma tanks from it.
Immovable dispenser filled with 10 oxygen tanks and 10 plasma tanks. Some dispensers only contain oxygen tanks.
Находится в: Atmospherics, Engineering. Используется для: Used for holding and transporting gases like Oxygen, Plasma gas and the like. Взаимодействие: Place around hallways, wait for Assistants to open them for no reason.
When new and before use, or when almost fully emptied, a label can be selected from its interface. This will change its color to indicate what it may contain (or fooling people into thinking it contains Oxygen and not Plasma).
Can be made with 10 sheets of Metal.
 Portable Pump
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Filling a room with air. Can also be used to suck the air out of a room. Взаимодействие: Set the pump direction to out, set your target pressure (most likely 101.3 kPa), turn it on, and it re-pressurizes a room until its air runs out
Out with the good air. It both sucks and blows. Be sure to connect it to a connector port to fill it up with air beforehand.
You can also connect a portable tank to it to either fill or empty the tank.
 Portable Scrubber
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Cleaning the air from Plasma gas and other unwanted gasses. Also used for emptying Plasma tanks and Oxygen Tanks. Взаимодействие: Pull it to the leak and turn it on.
In with the bad air. Flip it on to filter out the bad gases very slowly. You can connect it to a connector port to empty it into a pipenet.
 Space Heater
Находится в: Maintenance, Atmospherics. Используется для: Heating up a cold area or cooling down a hot area. Взаимодействие: Use it to heat up a room if its been exposed to space, or cool down a room after a plasmafire.
A portable space heater that can be used to heat or cool rooms. Requires a Power Cell to function. Using a few of these at once is usually better when trying to cool down a larger room.
To change the settings or remove/replace the power cell, use a screwdriver to open the panel. You can also use a wrench to anchor/unanchor it.
Находится в: Cryogenics, Atmospherics. Используется для: Cooling/heating gasses in pipes. Also used to cool gasses for cryo tubes. Взаимодействие: Make a Canister with chilled Oxygen, give it to R&D
 Pipe Dispenser
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Making pipes and pumps. Взаимодействие: It is still possible to dispose of pipes and pumps into it when it's in movable mode.
Using a Wrench will toggle it between movable and dispensing mode.
When in dispensing-mode and in a powered room, it can dispense pipes and pumps for use.
You are able to dispose of unwanted pipes and pumps by using them on the Pipe Dispenser.
[Show/hide] Dispensable Items:
- Regular pipes: Your standard pipes, used for connecting all your atmospherics machines. These can be straight pipes, curved pipes, 3-way manifolds, and 4-way manifolds.
- Connector: Used to attach canisters, pumps or scrubbers to a pipe network. If you can't get a pipe network easily to the filter loop, an empty canister can be a good substitute.
- Unary vent - See: Vent. Once placed down it will have to be turned on by activating it at an Air alarm terminal.
- Injector: Sort of like a vent, except it pumps using volume and constantly injects gases. Good for open-turf air tanks.
- Gas pump: The basic pumps you'll find all over Atmospherics. Good for precise pressure levels. Goes up to 4500 kPa.
- Passive gate: Think of it as a one-way manual valve, but electronic. It equalizes gases between the input and output up to the set pressure. Can let up to 4500 kPa pressure through. It should be noted that its on status can be easy to miss, being just a small red/green light.
- Volume pump: A bit like the gas pump, but pumps via volume rather than going for pressure. 200 l/s (~9000 kPa) is its max output. Faster than a gas pump (you can fill canisters up past the standard 4500 kPa pressure!), so best used in systems where precise pressure isn't needed (such as anything to do with the waste loop).
- Scrubber: Self explanatory, scrubs gases out of the air. It can also be set to siphon out gases. Like unary vents, these need to be turned on using an air alarm after they've been placed.
- Meter: Wanna know how much gas (and its temperature) is in a pipe? Use these.
- Gas Filter: Filters gases. Filtered gases come out the side, unfiltered gases go straight through. Pumps using volume.
- Gas Mixer: Like a filter, but mixes gasses instead of filters. Port 1 is the rear port, port 2 is the side port. Pumps using volume.
- Temperature Gate: Prevents gases from flowing through if the gases on the input side are either above or below the set temperature. You can use a multitool to change whether it lets gases above/below the set temperature through.
- Temperature Pump: Moves heat from one connected pipeline to the other. Sorta like using heat exchangers, but smaller and less efficient.
- Relief Valve: A valve that automatically opens at a certain pressure. Useful for preventing overpressure in a pipe net (such as during a plasmafire). The unary version opens to the environment, and the binary version opens to another pipenet.
Heat Exchange:
- Pipes: H/E pipes transfer temperatures between the environment and the gases within the pipe. This can be used to heat gases in a pipe quickly, or when combined with freezers/heaters and a high heat capacity gas it can be used to cool/heat a room quickly.
- Junction: This pipe allows you to connect regular pipes to heat exchange pipes.
- Heat Exchanger: These strange and esoteric devices equalize the temperature between two pipe networks without actually mixing the gasses. To use, place them facing each other.
 Disposal Pipe Dispenser
Находится в: Atmospherics. Используется для: Making disposal pipes and other disposal equipment. Mostly used for repairs or making experimental transit systems. Взаимодействие: Dispose of the entire waste system extra pipes you dispense by dragging them onto the disposal unit.
Using a Wrench will toggle it between movable mode and dispensing mode.
When in dispensing mode and in a powered room, it can dispense pipes and other disposal equipment for use.
Despite not being able to pick them up with your hands, you can drag the pipe onto the dispenser to dispose of extras.
See information here how to modify the existing ones or make your own disposal pipes.